Pilot(s) name(s) First name:Lucas Surname: GAMBRILL Nationality: USA
Other people who may have flown part of the journey:
SK to US: First name:Jeffrey Surname: Jensen
US to SK: First name:Zachary Surname: Betts
Class of Aircraft: (single, twin, homebuilt, helicopter, ultra light, balloon.): TWIN Brand: (i.e.: Beechcraft): Beechcraft Model: (i.e.: Bonanza): King Air Type: (i.e. A35): 200 Name of aircraft if any (ie. Spirit of the Wind, or whatever): Registration: 40164 Route (Eastbound, Westbound, via the Poles): EAST How did you cross the Atlantic Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North How did you cross the Pacific Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North Date of departure: June 21, 2015 Point of departure: RKSM Date of return to point of departure: April 8, 016 Point of return: KNFW Duration: (days): SK to US: 6 days/ US to SK: 43 days Duration: (flying hours): SK to US:28.4/ US to SK:67.5 Distance flown: Not sure
21 June 2015 RKSM-RJSM
25 June 2015 RJSM-PASY
25 June 2015 PASY-PAED (crossed IDL and gained a day)
27 June 2015 PAED-KCOE
28 June 2015 KCOE-U42
30 June 2015 U42-KNFW Dropped aircraft off for maintenance
7 April 2016 KNFW Acceptance flight from maintenance
8 April 2016 KNFW-KBGR
9 April 2016 KBGR-CYYR-BIKF
12 April 2016 BIKF-EGPK
13 April 2016 EGPK-ETOU
15 April 2016 ETOU-LGSA
19 April 2016 LGAS-OJAQ clearance issues kept us in Jordan
01 May 2016 OJAQ-OOMN aircraft maintenance issues kept us here for many
12 May 2016 OOMN-VRMM
13 May 2016 VRMM-VCBI-VTBU
14 May 2016 VTBU-RPLL-RODN
15 May 2016 RODN-RKSM
How many overnight stops did you make? : 15 How many any additional refuelling stops, if any? : 4 How many countries did you visit?: :10
Means of communication used: HF Radio, sat telephone, e-mail by HF radio, other? : HF Did you use any satellite tracking system? Which one ? Shout Nano Flight clearances: did you obtain them all, or part of them, yourself? : APACS If not, which company did you use?: Which insurance company did you use? : Which was the easiest country or region that you flew through? : USA Which was the most difficult? : Saudi Arabia Which was the best airport you landed at? : KCOE Which was the worst? : There wasn't a "bad" airport. In reference to facilities the "worst" would be VRMM. Have you applied for the FAI Circumnavigator Badge/Are you thinking of doing so? : No Have you set or broken any records during your RTW? : No Did you create a Website of your RTW? If so, what is the URL? No
General remarks about your flight:
The flight was in support of the requirements for
Army King Airs to receive heavy maintenance in the US. The round the world flights
are not common with these planes. Usually one route or the other is used. I was
extremely fortunate enough to fly this plane on both.
Advice to other pilots:
It took a lot of work and planning and coordination on our parts
to make this happen. There was a lot of ups and downs during the trip. Be prepared
for things to break on your plane and have some contingencies figures out for the
worst spots.
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Database Flight Number: 579
Last update: May 23, 2021
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