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Disclaimer :
The information found on these pages is published as supplied by pilots and has not been verified. It does not replace official documents produced by foreign governments or Airways Manuals published by specialised firms and should be taken at face value and used only for planning purposes. Governments change their aviation regulations without notice. Neither nor the pilots supplying the information are liable for inaccuracies or subsequent changes in that information.

Consult those sites for information on flying in Asia:
The Cambodia Flying Club :
Wings Over Asia :
The Thailand Flying Club :
Department of Aviation in Thailand:

Click on the country name below for information on airports sublisted there.

India: New Info on Permits
Christmas Island (PLCH)
Phillipines WARNING
Sri Lanka
United Arab Emirates

Cassidy Airport
No Avgas until futher notice.
February 2018.


Bahrain OBBI
23 May 2012
Bahrain OBBI Mooney N371AG , 1528 kg MTOW
Large airport, they will park you at far end by Royal Hangar. Request BAS for handling (total cost for landing and parking and handling $80). AVGAS available but expensive $18/gallon.


Cambodia (Phnom Pen VDPP, Siem Reap VDSR)
January 2004,
Recent tour organised by Wings over Asia,
Aerostar (2700kg).
Nav charges per each leg: US$110.00
Parking: US$40.00
Fuel: There is no Avgas in Cambodia. One must have enough to make a round trip.
VFR is OK.
But both at Phnom Pen and Siem Reap we were charged some US$250.00 per aircraft, for so called "royalties"

Phnom Pen (VDPP)
March 2002, Mooney, (1350 kg). Very easy to get there. Mr. Robert Scott can get you a clearance within 48 hours. Email:, you need to "Western Union" him $100.00 for the service IN ADVANCE. At the airport only one General Declaration is needed. Visa at the airport for $20.00. Fees : $150.00 total ( most of it navigation charges : $101.00). Fuel cost (AVGAS) $1.70 a litre. From landing to outside terminal : 30 minutes! JPH.

Siam Reap (VDSR)
March 2002, Mooney, (1350 kg). Fees : same as Phnom Pen. NO FUEL. Also easy to get in and out once they understand you didn't come by airline! General note on flying in Cambodia: VFR is OK, we flew at 500 feet around the rivers and villages for pictures, no hassles.JPH.

Siam Reap (VDSR)
9 April 2001 Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). This is a great airport to enter Cambodia. You do not need to go to Phnom Penh first - you can go directly to Siam Reap close to Angkor Wat. This is a small airport with very efficient customs and immigration. We paid $450.80 airport charges, $231 CAA enroute charges, total of $682. DS

Siem Reap (VDSR) 2013
Siem Reap is a pretty small and new airport, not complicated but extremely expensive. Different companies seem to have taken over governmental functions and use this to charge very high fees. It is not possible to get a Landing Permit directly from the CAA , you have to use an agent. Our agent (Camb.Helicopters) charged us 250 US$ just for applying for the permit. Then you have to pay a special 'Royalty' to use the airport , another 250 US$. For NAV you pay 127,60 (including 10% surcharge for weekend) and finally 252 US$ for Landing, Parking and Handling , which includes a 80 US$ Charge for the crew bus transporting you about 150 m from your aircraft to the arrival hall. In Total: US$ 880 that is just unbelievable.



Dili (WPDL)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). Had a quick visit here. Got approval from the UNTAET Civil Aviation Section in Darwin, Australia on phone number 61 8 8942 2203 x6151 or e-mail Stayed one night. Airport was run by the United Nations at the time with the Portuguese running the tower and handling etc. The total fees were $40 including parking, landing etc. We did our own handling. Very quick in and out with no delay. DS.



21 May 2012 Patna – VEPT Mooney N371AG , 1528 kg MTOW Good place to stop in India. Everything takes time but you will get there. Total costs for landing/parking less than $100. No handling necessary or requested. AVGAS fuel truck broken but flying school staff extremely helpful in arranging a barrel of fuel. AVGAS price by barrel approx $3/litre.


Dear Sir,

Please note that with immediate effect, the notice period for Non-Sched flight permits for India has been reduced to 01 day for Overflights and 03 days for flights landing in India. The complete CAR may be viewed at . We give below some important extracts. Please note that all applications need to be accompanied with completed Annexure: F & Annexure : G.

3.2 Notice Period
3.2.1 Applications for operating non-scheduled flight(s) are required to be submitted in advance with a minimum notice period as follows: Three working days for flights for traffic purposes, except as stated in Seven working days for flights originating from PRC countries** One working day for flights for non-traffic purposes i.e. overflight(s)/technical halts except as stated in Three working days for flights for non-traffic purposes i.e.overflight(s)/technical halts originating from PRC countries.
3.2.2 The minimum notice period requirements, however, may not be insisted upon in the following cases: Ambulance flights (name and address of the patient and the doctor to be given in each case); Relief aircraft of scheduled passenger airline necessitated due to grounding of aircraft; Relief flights in case of natural calamities.

3.3 Application
3.3.1 Application form for obtaining flight clearances is at Annexure C, Fand G

3.5 Changes in flight clearance
3.5.1 Any request for change in the flight clearance would normally not be accepted and would require fresh clearance with proper notice. However, in exceptional circumstances, changes may be accepted provided the replacing aircraft is not capable of air dropping or the approved flight schedule time is not preponed to such an extent that the notice period requirement stipulated at Para 3.2 is not met, if reckoned from the date of filing of the original application.

**PRC Countries Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Foreigners of Pakistani Origin and Stateless Persons.

With thanks to Whire Rose Aviation for this new information.


March 2012
Please find below the existing process / procedure for AVGAS refuelling.
Availability : The fuel (AVGAS) is available at VANP, VABB, VECC & VOMM. This is available in Barrels of 200 lts each and has to be bought in multiples of 200 lts. Giving a requirement of 280 lts will mean that 2 barrels will be booked and bought. Visa : TLP Not available at VABB & VANP.
Procurement : The barrels are available on cash basis at the Indian oil fuelling stations and normally stored outside the airport.
These are available 1000 lcl to 1800 lcl on weekdays (Mon to Sat). Barrels not available on Sundays. Normally after the crew arrive, these are only provided by IOCL after the payments are received by them. This process of making the payment to IOCL and having the barrels arrive at the aircraft normally takes about 1 and half to 2 hrs. The crew will need to be patient. The procedure suck but that is how it is.
Solution : We can offer a solution to this by pre-purchasing the fuel for the crew and having it ready before the aircraft arrive, but as you can well understand that I need to send bankers cheque to IOCL at least 2 days prior and provide all the details to them including copies of the crew passports, etc. This will quicken the process of refuelling, however, I need to be re-imbursed my charges for the fuel plus a disbursement fee(10%).
Fuel Pumps : Fuel pumps may or may not be available at all stations, therefore, suggest these be carried on board.
Would request that the above be forwarded to all the crew who plan to transit using AVGAS, so that they are aware of the situation and options available. Atleast that way anyone to blame for facing the delays is the crew themselves.
In case the fuel needs to be pre-purchased, then I would need you to guarantee the crew’s ability to pay cash on arrival. Would be more than willing to forward a complete invoice prior to commencement of the flight. Please note that we cannot pre-buy and store the fuel. In case of any last minute changes of destination, the payments for the fuel needs to be made immediately for both the points. If and when the payments are recovered from the Fueler for the unutilised fuel, the same shall be refunded.
With thanks to Whire Rose Aviation for this new information.


Avgas in India (October 10, 2011):
Ahmadabad VAAH in India no longer stock avgas 100LL.
Avgas still OK at Karachi OPKC Mumbai VABB Calcutta VECC & Chittagong VGEG.
NB to transit via VABB you must have Indian visa - they will not issue one on arrival.
With thanks to: White Rose Aviation

May 2006
FSI advised us to request handling PLUS supervision! -and they where right! They only problem was that the supervisor Freedom Airservices forgot to inform the handling company about our arrival time so we waited for 45 minutes at 40C on the apron until transportation was coming. But then it was running well and the handling agent managed us through all that Indian bureaucracy quite fast. We had 1:45 h from Touchdown to Exit and 1:30 only from Entrance to Startup (incl. refuel).Airport charge 190 USD, handling 300 USD ,supervision of handling 200 USD (special price for FSI !)

Jaipur - VIJP-2013
Already during preparation of the RTW I must tell you that India really is one of the most expensive places for GA.In 2006 we paid 190 US$ for airport charges, 300 US$ for handling and 200 US$ for supervision - total 690 US$, a lot of money! The actual quotations now are asking for a total of 1.400 US$ !! That really is not very inviting

Jaipur - VIJP-2013
We where parked on the remote apron of the old Jaipur Airport opposite to the new, modern one, so transportation for customs and airport staff to/from our aircraft took its time. The whole procedure between landing and arrival hall took 1.5 hours and for departure including customs, security, and immigration and refuelling we needed 3 hours! Cost where lower than expected, we did not take supervision and Thai Indo Aviation charged 422 US$ for a friendly and helpful (mandatory) handling. Airport charges for Ldg, Pkg, NAV was 130 US$ plus some necessary 'helpful tips'.



February 2017

I wanted to tell all the Earthrounders to AVOID BALI and Indonesia if possible. The airport fees were $1700USD and they were so slow that I fell behind schedule which was not good, then put in the position to stay another $1700 or depart and fly night IFR into deteriorating weather with a less than perfect airplane.

December 2010.
Avgas in Indonesia.
Avgas has been reported as available in:
Denpasar (Bali)

Lately, Avgas was NOT available in:

As supply is never garanteed, it must be imperative to check before going.

February 2009

An Australian pilot from Cape York on the Northern tip of Australia flew from Horn Island on September 12, 2008 on a sightseeing flight. He landed in Papua (Indonesia) mistakenly believing he would get visas on arrival.
With his passengers, he was arrested and condemned to 3 years in jail with a 50 million rupiah fine.
The 4 passengers to 2 years in jail and fined 25 million rupiah.

There are strick restrictions placed on visiting Papua.

AVGAS is in very short supply throughout Indonesia. Check before going!
Fuel in Indonesia
Price of fuel in Indonesia

Palembang (WIPP)
January 2004. Aerostar (2700kg). An easy place to get in or out of Indonesia. Probably easier that Halim (WIIH).
Handling is US$50.00
Nav charges and parking are US$70.00
Fuel was same price all over Indonesia: US$0.5511 a litres.
It pays to phone the handler ahead as the Immigration Officers are not always at the field.

Halim (WIHH)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg).I had a handler (did not ask for it, but did not feel like arguing!), you really don't need one, everything is centrally located. I paid $200.00 and got for that a car ride from the airport and a pick up in the morning plus the paper work that I could have done muself.JPH

Bali (Denpasar WADD)
January 2004, Aerostar (2700kg).
Air Nav Charges and parking : US$110.00
Avgas: US$0.5511 per litre
Our handling was "handled" by a friend of a friend. We gave him $50.00 and $100.00, respectivelly at each "handling".
We stayed at the Ramada Bitang Hotel, the closest to the Airport. Aircrew special rates (Uniforms and crew badges...)

Bali (Den Pasar WADD)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg)I had a handler. Cost $200.00. Very efficient, organised hotel. I would reccomend the Holiday Inn close to the airport, cost $75.00 a night. JPH

Bali (Den Pasar WADD) 2013
I was quite happy to manage to avoid handling after landing to avoid cost of 300 to 500 US$ . A guy from the airport asked the yellow car to bring me to the far away arrival gate. There I went through immigration buying a tourist visa which turned out to cause a problem at departure later. The immigration people on departure told me I should have taken a crew visa and we had a two hours delay discussing. Finally they agreed that the immigration officer on arrival should not have given a tourist visa to pilot in uniform with crew card and let us go. We paid 270 US$ for Ldg, 6 days Pkg and NAV.

Biak (WABB)
April 2001
Travelling through Indonesia en-route to Vietnam landed Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). Was charged $105 for the landing fee and airport charges. Purchased 1,040 litres of jet fuel for $320 - ie 31 cents per litre. All was OK until I was about to depart when I was accosted by a person who insisted that I pay $200 for a handling charge. When I explained that all this person had done was to phone customs and immigration - this was hardly worth $200. He still would not budge. Finally I visited the airport manager and ended up with an agreement to pay the person $50. The formalities inbound took about 1.5 hours because customs and immigration were not present even though we had notified on the flight plan. Going out took about 1 hour including the discussions about the handling charge. DS

West Timor
Kupang (WRKK)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). This airport is normally used as the last stop before flying "the big ditch" to Australia. Normally quite efficient services. We just stopped to refuel and continued the flight. We were on the ground for no more than about 50 minutes. Jet AI fuel was $306 for 1,300 litres - ie 24 cents per litre. Landing charges, handling, air nav charges etc totalled $141. DS

Labuhan Bajo (WRKO)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). A great little airport near Komodo Island where the famous Komodo dragons are. The runway is quite short and has quite an incline. It was OK for the Caravan and I've even heard that a Lear Jet has landed there - not for me! When landing a person came over and demanded a $300 fee. I refused to pay this and said we would sort this out on departure. On departure we were charged $235 which included handling, landing and security. This was made up of day security $50, night security $35, lights $10, electric generator $20, ground handling $50, landing $47, parking $23. Total $235. Service was quick and efficient each way at this very tiny airport. You only need to allow about 30 minutes. DS

Manado (WAMM)
April 2001
Travelling en-route to Vietnam in Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). About 30 minutes formalities inbound and about 45 minutes outbound. Friendly people. $125 handling fee and $91 to cover landing, parking etc. DS.

Padang (WIMG)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). Jet A1 cost 23 cents per litre. Service was quite quick however we had to wait over 1.5 hours for immigration and customs. They didn't arrive but we were allowed to go on to the next port in Indonesia without this. The ground handler charged $125. No other charges levied. DS

Yogyakarta (WIIJ)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). Quite a busy airport. Charges were $100 for the ground handler, 57 landing fee and $320 for 1360 litres of Jet A1 fuel - ie 24 cents per litre. Quick service both in and out and friendly people. DS


Shiraz (OISS)
March 2000
King Air (MTOW 4581 kg). Very low charges. The total cost was approximately $330 which included filling the King Air with fuel, all airways and landing charges. RC.

Tehran (OIII)
Information received recently from Safiran Airport Services (SAS) offering handling and obtaining overflight/Landing permission.
They also operate at Tabriz (OITT), Mashhad (OIMM) and Shiraz )OISS).
For full details of services available please consult their Site at:
or at:
Safiran Airport Services (SAS)
NO 47, Hormoz Sattari Blvd, Vali-e-Asr Ave, Tehran 19698-Iran

Teheran (OIII)
May 2006
We had local help from our friend Samii to get the permit for landing and he also managed to welcome us on the apron and accompanied us throgh customs .So we do not know how it would have been on our own. But the airport operation is organized well and you really do not have to fear for your personnel safety. We had 30min from Touchdown to Exit and 2:00 from Entrance to Startup (incl. refuel). The bill presented to us in front of the aircraft before departure was much higher than originally quoted to FSI but we gave up after 15 minutes of arguing, paid and went off with a grim in our face (FSI will get in contact with SAFIRAN - the handling agent of OIIII - to clarify).Airport charged 410 USD , Handling 280 USD.


24 May 2012 Aqaba Jordan , OJAQ Mooney N371AG – 1528 kg MTOW Very quiet airport. Handling arranged through Ayla Flight Academy, good service but EXPENSIVE. AVGAS available approx $4.00 per litre. Airport charges and handling very expensive $130 landing fee, parking $100 per day, handling circa +$500. Best to avoid if possible.

\GA in Japan and RTW flights.

General aviation in Japan is very small, eg. AOPA Japan has about 250 members and private airplanes are rare. Hence, to put it nicely, the infrastructure for GA aircraft is rudimentary, at best. Since everything is geared for the airlines and jet aircraft mostly coming from foreign countries, many GA activities get cumbersome, complicated and expensive. As insiders, you get used to it and can work around it, and often become part of the system. It is a small community and almost everybody is quite friendly to each other. However, even for the seasoned 'Around the world flyer' it would be too complicated to learn all the fine prints of GA in this country, let alone the language and paperwork in Chinese characters. To this date, there is not a single foreign pilot who was able to do trip without domestic help, be it a professional handling company or a volunteer. At some airports, like Naha in the south or New Chitose in the North, a local handling agent is mandatory. Plan at least ten days in advance when requesting the agent to start his work. The earlier the better. As last minute approach for IFR flights between international airports, three working days are needed to get a flight permit. Where a stop at a purely domestic airport is included, 10 days are needed. The same applies for VFR flights. Weather delays are generally accepted, but never flights before the scheduled departure day. Any flight schedule changes due other issues than weather require a new application (with add. cost).

Now, is it extremely difficult to get permissions and actually fly through Japan? I would say definitely 'no it is not' and if a pilot puts some effort into good research and finds a good handling company to support the trip, it will be rather a pleasant experience. Most important is to have a good plan and a realistic schedule. Last minute changes are difficult and generate trouble. In most cases they will increase cost dramatically. One point to remember, test/local flights are not possible w/o another permit with another department of JCAB, as local flights of foreign airplanes are being processed by the respective local JCAB branch and flights between two different airports by the ministry of transport in Tokyo. Hence, local flights will take time and effort and are not possible instantly, which can be a problem in case test flight is needed after a repair.

What is involved? Firstly, to get an airplane a landing permission, you call the airport and submit an application either by Fax or mail. This is the case for a non-commercial flight in an airplane with a standard airworthiness certificate. For the domestic legs, you need to file an application with JCAB (Japanese CAA) for each leg, on the planned date/time. You must get permission for each airport you are planning to go at the planned schedule. Once you got everything approved, the flying portion is all ready to be executed, except for the changes due to weather etc.. The next step is to arrange for CIQ (Customs, Immigration, Quarantine), which is three, sometimes five different agencies (animal Q, plant Q and human Q) at the airport of entry and exit. Finally, fuel arrangements have to be made or to be confirmed. Now, if there is enough buffer in the schedule, a delay at e.g. the airport of entry does not necessarily cascade through to all others and require to completely redo everything, but if the schedule is extremely tight, much of the work has to be redone again and again each time there is a delay of a day or more , in the end the cost just explode for flights poorly planned or with tight schedules. As I said above, if you have good sound plan with enough time to accommodate changes, it gets to be a much more pleasant experience and less expensive as well. In this case the handling company will do all the work for the pilot and cost, for a small GA aircraft, could be somewhere between 270,000-350,000 JPY for the whole trip through Japan, incl. all JCAB cost, parking, navigation fees etc..

I hope this will help pilots contemplating to fly in Japan to make an educated decision for their trip.

PF. S.

Osaka (RJOO)
There are a lot of 'horror stories' about landing and handling charges in Japan and so we did a lot of research on this subject when we prepared the RTW. There a two reasons, why you will need a handling agent (if you are not supported by Japanese pilots or other insiders).
First: If you make more than one stop in Japan you need a special 'Permission for Domestic Use of Aircraft' by the Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau which has to be written on a formula in Japanese language only and takes at least three days to get.
Second: You cannot pay the landing fee before departure at the airport, it will be invoiced after departure to a Japanese (handling) company which than has to pay it via bank account.
Anyhow, landing, parking and navigation fees are calculated on the basis of aircraft weight and are very cheap. Only the very big airports charge a high minimum fee. At Osaka RJBB we had to pay this minimum fee of 67.000 JPY = USD 580.- and at Chitose RJCC we only paid 1.000 JPY = USD 9,-for landing! Parking fees are very cheap as well. We paid USD 7.- at RJCC and USD 3,50 at RJBB per day. Navigation fee for a small aircraft was USD 1,00 per flight! So the only question is how much you have to pay for handling service and you better arrange that early enough before you start. FSI did a very good job and arranged a flat rate of 90.000 JPY for us for two airports, equals USD 390.- per airport, which is still a lot but acceptable , and we got an excellent and fast service, time to exit was 30 to 40 min and time to startup approximately one hour.

Planning or dreaming of passing through Japan but afraid of extortionate landing fees? Check out this report-explanation on AOPA-Japan's site describing Gerard Moss' 5-stop visit.

Chitose (RJCC)
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg).
Note: The following information is from a quote received on 26/4/02 to land at this airport on a private ferry flight - i.e. they are not actual reported figures. DS
Landing fee $327.03
Nav aid fee $93.85
Parking fee $12.67 per day
Ground handling $1,556.35
Permit/slot, CIQ arrangement $469.25
Disbursement service fee $198.97
Communication fee $53.16


Luang Phabang (VLLB)

Permits can be obtained for free via email from Laos DCA. Mr khonekham kham at & Tel +85621520237.
They generally take 3-5 days to reply. Validity up to 72hrs.

Self handling is possible, but time quite time consuming. After you obtain the landing permit, reply to Laos DCA, and ask them to confirm they have also informed the airport of your arrival. On one trip they did not, and I got caught up in a turf war between Immigration and the DCA which resulted in a two hour delay getting through the terminal.

Charges from Laos AIP.

Air Navigation . Piston USD 160, Turbine USD 240, Jet USD 320. (AIP)
Overflight (included in Navigation charge if landing in Laos). USD 50.
Landing under 7 tonnes (Kg) USD 8. Parking USD 2 per day. (AIP)
Airport service charge. USD 35. (AIP)
Lighting and security charge. USD 50-100 per day for small aircraft. This was optional and negotiable, but the implication of not having it was made clear! (Not published).
Immigration. USD 200-300 per aircraft. Customs USD 200-300 per aircraft. (Not published).

All crew and passengers require a visa. Available on arrival. Single entry USD 36. (Published, and in line with fee from Laos embassy in Thailand). The runway was recently upgraded to concrete 2,500M. 05/23 orientation with a full ILS on 23. Elevation 975'. Confirmed. GPS coordinates: N19 54.4 E102 10.2.
The airport is located in a valley surrounded by high terrain, but spectacular scenery. . Tower telephone +85671212208.
Tower and approach 118.5Mhz. VOR 116.6. ILS 108.7. There are STARS and SIDS now in operation. Jeppesen has them.
A new terminal is due to open by the end of 2013. Hopefully this will not mean the charges will also go up.

JetA1 available. No AvGas.

It is a shame they are stinging GA on Immigration and Customs, since other than this, the charges are comparable to Thailand. It is an amazingly beautiful and unspoilt destination, but only really viable for an aircraft with four people or more, to help share the costs.
The town itself is a Unesco World Heritige Site, and a French oasis of culture, food and wine. The living costs in the town are very reasonable in local currency KIP.

June 2013


Macau, China (VMMC)
Perfect solution to avoiding Hong Kong, reachable by fast ferry.
Excellent service for clearance and obligatory ground handling:
Air Luxor Macau Ltd: Tel. (853) 861562, 861563
Fax. (853) 861565. Email:
Slot time required. Own supplies of Avgas at approx US$3.10/litre.
Basic handling, US$150.

May 2006
Macau is expensive but cheaper than Hongkong - and the turbo-ferry to HK takes one hour only. Handling is mandatory - MBAC gave us a very good service and a special price for "Earthrounders" - talk to GM P.Chan - he is private pilot and understands the difference between our budgets and those of corporate jets. We paid : Handling 300, Parking in hangar 63 (parking on apron is much more!), Airportcharges 150 USD.


Kota Kinabalu (WBKK)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). 900 litres of Jet A1 fuel cost 34 cents per litre. Ground handling and parking fees were $153. However I believe that it would probably be quite easy to do your own ground handling. Fees would probably then be about $50. Note that we parked for two nights at the airport. DS.

Penang (WPPK)
April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). We landed at Penang twice for inbound and outbound customs. The charges averaged around $100 each time. This included $82 in ground handling charges, $10 landing fee and $9 in navigation and administration charges. DS.


Mandalay ( VYMD) December 2004
They charged me:
Landing charges $85
Parking charges $60
Navigation $58
Ground handling $73

Bagan (VYBG) They charged me:
December 2004
Landing charges $85
Navigation charges $58
Housing charges $45 (15 x 3 days)

May 2006
Do not accept transport from parking position to terminal and do not hand over the GD before you have made clear that you do not want handling service or at least want to negotiate the price. They asked us into the office and we argued about 20 min. Initial offer was 460 USD for handling only , we finally agreed on 50 USD. Airportcharge was 203 USD for landing, parking and navigation. Do not change money into local currency - everybody will ask you for USD . No creditcard accepted in Myanmar , you pay cash.

Bagan, Myanmar (VYBG) 2013
Nice little airport, uncomplicated, domestic only but customs is available for international arrival. Do not accept Handling Charges as there is no service given nor needed. We finally agreed on US$ 50 , just for face saving purpose. Ldg, Pkg and NAV fees where 194 US$ in total, payable to the airport manager who's office is on the right end of the small DEP/ARR- Hall.

Yangon, Myanmar (VYYY) 2013
Busy Airport, we had to wait nearly two hours for fuel after arrival. Handling by Airport Operator mandatory – nice and helpful people -but do not take additional supervision service by agents, they charge too much. We paid 363 US$ for Hdlg, 179 US$ for Ldg, Pkg and NAV plus 24US$ for Crew Bus


You need a proof of simulator training or similar to get the permit for Kathmandu and you have to manage to pay 56,5o USD in Local Currancy (!) to the account of CAA in advance. If you want to avoid handling cost of 250 USD ask your hotel to pay the 56.50 on your behalf (Our wonderful hotel Dwarikas did!) and then you get the permit without handlingagent. People on the airport are very friendly and you can walk to customs via the apron. We had 40 min from Touchdown to Exit and 45 min only from Entrance to Startup (incl. refuel) but we went to the briefing office the day before to file our flightplan. Airport charge 103 USD, no handling charge but 50 USD tip for local support (please ask us for the contact info).

Kathmandu, OPKC
22 May 2012
Mooney N371AG , 1528 kg MTOW
Extremely friendly airport staff. Handling arranged in advance, reasonable cost circa $100. AVGAS available PNR with Schonair for $3.25/litre. Stay at Ramada close to airport, crew rate approx $100 per night. Great service all around, nice people.

March 2015.
WARNING: Exorbitant charges has been recently experienced.
Example: charging $4700 for 2 landings for a small 2 seater aircraft and including $600 each time you show your passport, in my case $1200.


New information in the Capetown Round Table Discussions page:

Petropavlosk (UHPP), Anadyr (UHMA)
We got our permit to fly to Russia one day before departure - but FSI said that this is normal. You do not need a navigator to fly to Russia if you fly IFR but there is a minimum Flightlevel to be used which I think is around FL160 (but I am not sure - we are always using our max FL270) and you have to pay Enroute Navigation Charge of 0.49 USD/km. HF is not required but there are some areas of no contact to the controller even if you fly that high. As soon as you enter Russian airspace you have to change to the metric system and change your altitude accordingly. Our flightplan from Sapporo said "BISIV / K420 S810" which means 430km/h speed and FL 8100 meters. The Russian Controllers speak English very well - they are guiding quite some traffic between Alaska and East Asia. After landing you will be surrounded by a lot of different officers: police, customs, security, immigration etc - they all look very important and serious -a bit like in the old 007 movies. It was the first time on our trip that our aircraft and our luggage were inspected. Handling service at Petropavlovsk and Anadyr is mandatory, handling personnel works professionally and speaks English very well.
Cost : Enroute Navigation Charge USD 1764.- for the trip from the Japanese Border (BISIV) to UHPP,to UHMA and to the Alaska Border (0,49 USD/km) ; For Handling- and Airport fees USD 1266,- at UHPP and USD 628.- at UHMA . All charges where invoiced later via FSI - the headquarter does not allow its own people to collect the money at the airport (!). It is very important that you ask for a quotation through a Flight Service Company like FSI before you start your trip. The invoice we got after the trip was 500.-USD higher than quoted and we could only reduce our payment referring to this quotation. JetA1 was 3.10 USD/Gal at UHPP and 3.90 at UHMA. Time to exit at UHPP was one hour, time to start up 1:30. Fuel stop in Anadyr UHMA was very fast and only took us 30 minutes - unexpected newly renovated airport, good for landing even in bad weather.

Flight clearances for Russia are not simple, particularly where Siberia is concerned. However, the rules seem to change depending on who you know and the type of flight involved. On-airway, IFR high-altitude flights are one thing. Lower level VFR flights with stops in remote towns are something else. In 2001, clearance had to be applied through the Embassy of your country in Moscow. It passes to the Ministry of the Interior and finally to the aviation authorities. Our clearance took 4 months and cost nothing. In my case, an exclusively VFR flight, the authorities demanded that a Russian navigator accompany me. I flew with Capt.Yakov Sabodin who proved indispensable, working diligently, dealing with the controllers and the paperwork. Each flight plan required approval from Moscow one day in advance, even though the whole flight was already theoretically approved. Avgas is not available in most of the Russian Far East. My Rotax engine used car fuel.
Yakov's email is:

I can recommend contacting Leonid Koshelev of AOPA Russia for permits to go into Russia/Siberia, tel +33-7095-241-6593 or email:

The following information came from Artur Narulin, Shannon Air International/RusAero.
Ph: +7 095 755 5604,
Fax: +7 095 755 5606.

Over flight for landing permission
Price, € Revision, €
1 If requested more than 3 full working days before the flight 95.00 35.00
Urgent clearances
2 If requested less than 3 full working days but more than 24 hours before the flight 155.00 50.00
3 If requested 24 hours or less before the flight operation within Russian CAA operating hours 0500Z-1400Z 250.00 85.00
4 If requested 24 hours or less before the flight operation but requested proceeded from 1400Z till 0500Z 350.00 110.00


Seletar (WSSL)
January 2004. Aerostar (2700 kg).
No handling necessary nor possible. Just walk to the terminal.
Charges to be paid at Apron office, outside of Immigration on right.
Nav charges about Sing$50.00
Avgas, about $5.00 a gallon. We paid with BP Carnet Card.CM.

Seletar (WSSL)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg). No need for handling, airport charges < $50.00. Fuel cost (AVGAS) $4.80 a gallon.
All airport charges to be paid at the apron's office (go out of the building after immigration, turn right and it is the first office on the left).
On departure check with apron, that everything is paid. Clear immigration then walk to the tower, go to the first floor to file flight plan then go one floor up for the weather briefing. After that you are ready to leave.JPH.

Seletar (WSSL)
December 2010
Attention, airport is closed at night from 18.30 until 8.30 local time due to runway extension. Avgas 100LL, cards accepted. Needed no handling, 5U$ fees for everything. Easy and friendly place. They need 6 copies of outbound declaration, but do not have them at the apron office. Fellow pilot gave me a form to fill out and copy. No hotels nearby, only downtown, 45min. by taxi.

Seletar (WSSL) 2013
Seletar is the GA Airport of Singapore, very fast and convenient.You just should order a taxi before, otherwise the waitingtime might be long. Yeow Meng's Wings Over Asia Aero Club gave us a perfect support. On Members Fees basis (for earthrounders) we paid 140 S$ equals 120 US$ for their Handling and 172 S$ equals 140 US$ for Ldg and Pkg. What a difference to the airports we visited before.

Seletar (WSSL)
March 2014

From Yeow Meng, Group Managing Director & Founder of Wings Over Asia, FBO in Seletar WSSL (Singapore):
As our contribution to private aviation, I would like to offer all Earthrounders pilots a special 20% discount off our handling rate (for 300 kg aircrafts, it is only S$200 with additional 20% discount for full professional handling service) to welcome them to transit via Singapore and help promote private aviation here. And also since WingsOverAsia has it's own self-managed GA compact parking area within the airport, we will also offer FREE aircraft parking to all Earthrounders pilot on a first-come-first-serve basis whenever there is space in our very own GA compact parking area.


Colombo (VCBI) Not used to GA, needed the friendly and helpful handling agent to find my way. 300U$ handling, landing and overnight parking. Fuel in barrels U$2.40/liter, their pump failed and we used mine. Payment in cash at bank in the terminal only. Must take crewbus, pass security and immigration, pay, and go back. Had to check and retime one magneto because of RPM drop at runup, took additional 90min. Tower wanted incident report, but I did not write one. They made me go back to the terminal in crewbus to pay 3U$ additional parking fee! Nobody of the several people was authorised to take money.


No way to avoid payment for handling fees - which are known to be very high in this region! Our negotiations with China Airlines Handling Dptm requires high patience. Finally we pay 290 USD for handling and 260 for Airport Fees. Time to exit 2 h due to long talks and time to startup 1:00h .


Exemptions for overflight-navigation fees in Thailand:
I read in the reports of many earthrounders that they pay overflight-navigation fees in Thailand, with some discussions and with the outprint of this website in hand I escaped these fees.
Koen Velleman

Chiang Mai (VTCC)
19 May 2012
Mooney N371AG , 1528 kg MTOW Handling is now mandatory as per Thai AIP supplement on VTCC. Initial cost request of 13,500 THB ($430) plus Navigational Charge of 10,000 THB ($320) reduced to approximately 5,000 THB cash after much negotiation. Landing and parking (2 days) were reasonable at less than $100 total. Ensure that the clearance specifies PRIVATE FLIGHT and does not include words TECHNICAL STOP or navigation charges will be levied. Fuel available at reasonable price. Nice place but best to avoid now given the expensive mandatory handling.

Chiang Mai (VTCC)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg). After landing take the "local flight" door to the terminal, they will let you go through, no questions asked.Go to the info desk. Here you will need to fill out some forms. For the departure : info desk for the forms, pay the fees and call the tower for the flight plan and briefing.JPH.

Chiang Mai (VTCC)
13 April 2001. Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). Inbound very simple. Did not use a ground handler. Did immigration ourselves. Cost $10 for a visa. Departing took about one hour to put in the flight plan and pay charges. $115 air navigation charges, plus $30 landing with a total of $145. Chiang Mai is an interesting airport to go to, very friendly and no real problems to do your own ground handling. DS

Phuket (VTSP)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg). After landing you will be parked next to the fire station, on the left of the main terminal. Walk to the main terminal and if this is your port of entry, go to the first entry door with a sign "Intl Flight". If you come on a domestic flight do NOT enter there or everybody will be confused and suspicious, but walk around the building to the "domestic flightd" door.
Landing fees: about $20.00, parking : $15.00.
Notes on Thailand airway clearances : You need a clearance for any leg you fly domestically.
Bangkok clearance fax : 02 287 31139
Bangkok office I called for info on clearances : 02 286 1503. JPH

Hat Yai (VTSS)
January 2004.Aerostar (2700kg).Not to be confused with Songhkla (VTSH)
CIQ in the main Hall.
Nav Charges

Hat Yai (VTSS)
March 2002, Mooney (1350 kg). Not to be confused with Songhkla (VTSH), no customs.
Simple procedures, all in the arrival hall. Fees about $50.00. Fuel cost : $0.90 liter (AVGAS).JPH.

Chiang Mai
May 2006
That is a nice airport to go but their radio equipment seems to be very old - hard to understand and interrupted many times. After landing we just ignored to contact ground handling on freq. xyz and walked directly to the international arrival entrance where the Customs Officers were very friendly and helped us to fill out different documents. As we landed here on a weekend we had to pay a Customs "overtime" fee of 26 USD. Finally they asked us for a group photo and let us go - 30 min in total for getting out. The departure also was uncomplicated - the only problem was that we had to walk to the Thai Air Office 300 m outside the building through monsoon rain without umbrella to pay the navigation fee (250 USD for the whole route > Chiang Mai >HuaHin >Vietnam). Airport fee for landing and parking was 65 USD - no handling fee. And the last experience of Thai friendliness was that the big fuel truck stopped when he saw us walking to our aircraft with all our luggage and picked us up!! - 1h 20min from entrance to startup incl. refueling.

Hua Hin
May 2006
Very nice little IFR Airport with a Flying School - so also Avgas is available. But Customs and Immigration is 24h PPR and they must come from a town 150 km away. We asked the airport bureau after landing to inform them for our departure - but they obviously forgot - so on our day of departure we had to wait for 5 hours before C+I people came to give us their stamp to leave the country. Anyhow, we recommend the place, peole are very nice and helpful : 60 USD Airport and Customs Charge and no handling fee. Time to exit 45 min , time to startup 5:30h -which could have been 45 min if C+I would have been informed early enough.


Adana (LTAF)
March 2000
Beechcraft King Air (MTOW 4581 kg). Very cheap. Landing charge approximately $30.

Istanbul (LTFJ)
May 2006
You better use this airport LTFJ instead of Atatürk (LTBA).You need approx 20 min more for driving downtown Istanbul but this is compensated by lower fees and a faster handling. We had 30min from Touchdown to Exit and 1:20 from Entrance to Startup (incl. refuel). Airport charged 77 USD , Handling 12 USD.


Dubai (OMDB)
May 2006
You should not land at OMDB without a handling request , we did , and had to wait quite some time in 40°C until transport to the GAT was organized and handling was agreed. Later we found out that it would have been impossible to reach these huge airport's payment office, the briefing and the meteo by foot - its too far apart and they would not allow you to walk through the internal airport areas. But you get a perfect service and a very comfortable VIP -lounge with free drinks for your money! We had 40 min from Touchdown to Exit (that would have been 20min with initial handling request) and 1:20 from Entrance to Startup (incl. refuel). Airport charge 20 USD, handling 370 USD.


Ho Chi Minh City (VVTS)
7 April 2001
Cessna Caravan 208B (MTOW 3950 kg). We were told by one of the international clearance companies that the cost for a landing in Ho Chi Minh City would be over $2,000 broken down as follows.
Landing permit 500
Handling fee 500
Hotel transport 50
Air Navigation fee 302
Landing & t/o fee 415
Customs & immig. 100
Ground handling 243
Ramp transport 150
TOTAL 2260

We decided not to go ahead with this proposal and try our luck by landing without prior handling arrangements. It worked - we saved over 50%. In the end the total for ground handling and all landing charges cost $1002. A Mr Sangthans met us to assist with the ground handling. We did not prearrange this. I had to write out the general declaration myself, however the service was very efficient. Inbound took less than 25 minutes and outbound about 30 minutes. DS

May 2006
Not the cheapest airport to land but nice people and a lot of uniforms. Do not request handling, you will not need it - you can walk from the aircraft to the international entrance for customs and immigration. For departure you will find the briefing office in a separate building on the right side of the main building. Do not use the open door to the apron in front of the briefing office without having cleared customs and immigration! We did and had to taxi back from the take off position to the apron - and had a very serious "interview" by the immigration officers for one hour! Fees: Landing 80, Parking 16, Immigration 100 and Airnavigation 180 USD.

Last update: May 14, 2021
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