

Earthrounders  Noticeboard
Earlier Notices

Earlier Notices (2017)

Earlier Notices (2016)
Earlier Notices (2014)
Earlier Notices (2013)
Earlier Notices (2012)
Earlier Notices (2011)
Earlier Notices (2010)
Earlier Notices (2009)
Earlier Notices (2008)
Earlier Notices (2007)
Earlier Notices (2006)
Earlier Notices (2005)
Earlier Notices (2004)
Earlier Notices (2003)
Earlier Notices (2002)
Earlier Notices (2001)

December 10, 2015: Our host in PNG in 2016, Bob Bates, revisited Claude Meunier in Western Australia to pick up his C182, P2-HFC and the Earthrounders' flag.
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Passing the Earthrounders' flag. A similar 'ceremony' took place on the same spot on September 28, 2012, handling the flag to Sergey Terekhin, our host in Saint Petersbug in 2014.

December 6, 2015: Embry-Riddle alumna and graduate student Shaesta Waiz as announced her departure on June 2, 2016, for her 33-city, 19-country, five-continent worldwide solo flight. She intends to be the youngest female to fly solo around the World.
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For more information on Dreams Soar, visit: and"

December 4 , 2015: wishes a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all Earthrounders, their families and friends and all Earthrounders-to-be.

Happy landings, blue skies, Peace on Earth, tail winds and all this kind of good things....

Hope we can all meet again, this time in PNG....

December, 2015: Art Mortvedt is exhibiting his famous C185 flying lab Polar Pumpkin in a musem in an effort to foster interest in future aviators and explorers.
"All Earthrounders have remarquable aircrafts and they should use them to help teach young people."
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November 20, 2015: Congratulations to Michael Smith for the completion of his RTW in a Seary amphibian (Experimental), Southern Sun.
First Solo Amphibian and First Solo Flying Boat circumnavigation.
April 12 to November 14, 2015, West bound from Melbourne, Australia.

The story of the flight on his blog:
The Searey over Greenland. Larger photo:

November 18, 2015: Harry R. Anderson is announcing the publishing of his book: "Flying 7 Continents Solo ".
Details on the "Books" page.

November 11, 2015: Bruce Andrews wants to buy a 160 gallon Turtle-Pac tank.
Full details on the messages page

September 24, 2015: Russian adventurer Fedor Konyukhov will attempt to beat Steve Fossett's record solo balloon flight around the World. He hopes to start and finish his ballooning attempt from Northam in Western Australia. Northam was the starting point for Steve Fossett in 2002 and more recently hosted the Australian National Hot Air Balloon Championships.

September 1, 2015: Congratulations to Robert DeLaurentis for the successful completion of his solo RTW with his Malibu Mirage N997MA.

August 31, 2015: Ron Siwik (RTW 2008) is selling his Bonanza tip tanks.
Please see the details on the Messages Page

August 19, 2015: Heinz Peier is selling several items (Iridium Phone, Rescue Suit, etc).
Please see the details on the Messages Page

August 11, 2015: From Soiuzbek Saliev: "I am looking for a pilot interested in joining me on a round- the-world trip by a two-engine plane ".
Read the full message on the Messages Page

July 28, 2015: Russian pilot Sergey Ananov flying around the World in a Robinson 22 helicopter, survived ditching in the cold waters of the Davis Strait, between Iqualuit and Greenland. He departed Moscow on June 13.
Thanking Sergey Terekhin for the news.
Read the full story

July 28, 2015: Congratulations to Heinz Peier for the completion of his RTW in his SX300.
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July 22, 2015: Mike Blyth, Jean d'Assonville and Patrick Huang are now in the USA in their Sling 4.
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July 20, 2015: Earthrounders Bob Bates and Bob Gannon are paying a visit (annual visit for Bob Bates) to Earthrounder Claude Meunier in Northam (Western Australia) with Bob Bates' C182 P2-HFC.
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July 13, 2015: From Jason Bahnsen (RTW 2002/2003, VH-JDY): "Bob and Diane Dempster from Seattle plan a RTW in a Douglas World Air Cruiser Replica from Seattle. That will be a very interesting flight to follow.
Photo: Jason and Bob and the World Cruiser.
Second photo: The World Cruiser. (click for a larger picture)

July 4, 2015: Swiss aviator Andre Borschberg landed Solar Impule 2 in Oahu after a record breaking fligth of 118 hours (5 days). Previous record was set in 2006 by Steve Fossett, flying the Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer for 76 hours.

July 3, 2015: Andrew Pitman of the Airplanefactory in South Africa announces another RTW by a Sling 2 aircraft to depart Johannesburg on July 7th.

June 28, 2015: Lola Odujinrin announces his imminent departure for a RTW in a Cirrus SR22, N313CD.

June 25, 2015: The grandson of Frank Haile is selling the LAST set of 100 gallon tip tanks made for Bonanzas. Previous sets sold for 30,000USD but he's willing to negotiate for a fast and easy sale. He's a college student and needs to pay tuition for his last year. . The tanks are on standby and can be picked up or delivered immediately.
Please email Richard at for pricing and delivery options

June 19, 2015: Michael Farikh (RTW 2013 in R66) announces Sergey Ananov's departure from Moscow in a Robunson 22 helicopter for an Eastbound RTW. That will be the first RTW by an helicopter of less than 1000 kg. Sergey left Moscow on June 13.
He can be followed on the Spot Site:
and on Facebook:
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June 12, 2015: Nate Slater, Team Manager of OP Warrior Assist 2018 announces: "I'll be completing an Around the World solo flight in 2018 to raise awareness for disabled veterans and also to raise funds for disabled veteran focused charities.
His Website is:
Facebook is:
Twitter is:

June 12, 2015: Solar Impulse in Nagoya.

May 31, 2015: Solar powered airplane Solar Impulse 2 has left Nanjing (China) for the long leg to Hawaii (8200 KM) with pilot André Borschberg on board.

May 23, 2015: Robert Laurentis has departed LIndbergh Airport (KMYF), San Diego, on May 17, 2015 for a solo RTW in his Malibu Mirage. He is presently in Punta Delgada in Sao Miguel in the Azores.
Click here to follow him:

May 20, 2015: Henning Huffer of Germany announces a Mooney M20F, N7051V for sale.
Photos and details:

May 20, 2015: Captain Sami Raffa is flying around the World in a Mooney M35MD and he is presently in Australia. He is supported by The Anjum Hotels:
Fllow him on this map:

EC-XLL May 8, 2015: Michel Gordillo (RTW 2001) is announcing his new RTW by the Poles in a RV8 he has just finished building.
Departure is scheduled for the beginning of October, this year.
More details on his new Site:

May 16, 2015: Phillipe Renaudet and Vincent Moisson have started their RTW 'following Phineas Fogg' in a Dyn Aero MCR-4S from Nantes, France, and are now in Naples.
They can be followed with Sat-View:
Following them

April 28, 2015: Phillipe Renaudet announces a different RTW: 'Sur les traces de Jules Verne'... following Jules Verne around the World'...a la Phineas Fogg.
Expected departture from Nantes (France) May 8, 2015
Expected arrival at the Le Bourget Airport: June 20, 2015.

April 19, 2015: A warning on excesive charges experienced in the Phillipines.

April 16, 2015: Many thanks to Jorge Cornish (RTW 1997) for sending photos of a display on the Earthrounders in the Museum "Wings of the Rockies" in Denver.
Click here for a photo of the display

April 12, 2015: From Heinz Peier in Japan: "I am in Kagoshima, Japan and my SX is the First Experimental Airplane approved ever to Fly in Japan's Airspace..... it took a while , lots of Persistence and thanks to Peter Steeger ...Next Russia...
Picture at right: Oil-change in Kagoshima
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March 14, 2015: Publishing Company Piper Verlag announces Johannes Burges' (RTW 2013) new book:
"360° Wesward".

March 10, 2015: Another photo of Heinz Peier's SX500 in Wanaka New Zealand, as he gets ready for the Pacific Ocean crossing.
Larger photo by Mike Condon

March 9, 2015: Solar Impulse took off at 7.12am (03:12UTC) for its first flight from Abu Dhabi (Al Bateen Executive Airport, AZI/OMAD) in the United Arab Emirates, to Muscat (Muscat International Airport, MCT/OOMS) in the Sultanate of Oman.
Swiss Earthrounder Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg are planning a world record-breaking attempt to fly around the world in a solar-powered aeroplane.

March 6, 2015: Two drums (400L) of AVGAS available in Abuja, Nigeria.
Full details

March 5, 2015: Heinz Peier is 'on the move again', this time from New Zealand to Japan.
Larger photo (over Wanaka, New Zealand).

February 21, 2015: Earthrounder Michel Gordillo (RTW 2001) is preparing for another RTW, this time via the Poles, in his owner-built RV8 and is waiting for his Polar Clearance.

February 19, 2015:
Happy New Year of the Goat: 山羊新年快乐

January 22, 2015: Congratulaions to Bill Harrelson for the successful completion of his flight to both Poles. He landed at Kinston NC after a very long leg from Fairbanks AK and flying over the North Pole.
In Fairbanks, he was welcomed by Polar Pilot Art Mortvedt of "Polar Pumpkin" fame.

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January 20, 2015: We are very saddened to learn only now of Dennis M Stewart passing away last year on January 16, 2014. After a successful career in the US Air Force, he retired in San Diego. In 1992 and again in 1994 he participated in around-the-world air races, serving as co-pilot for his good friend Bob Reiss in Bob's A36 Beechcraft prop-jet Bonanza. He published a book about this experience, "Bonanza Around the World."
Our most sincere condolences to his family.
"Bonanza Around the World."

N6ZQ January 12, 2015: Bill Harrelson after overflying the South Pole is now on his way to Honolulu.
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January 12, 2015: Sami Raffa and Ralph Eckhardt, two retired B744 Captains are planning an Eastward RTW.

January 1, 2015: Doug Cairns is announcing a second Diabetes World Flight RTW flight in July 2015, heading West from the UK, in a UK-registered Bonanza F33A , and split into three separate legs over five months. This will be an all-type 1 diabetes crew as with Diabetes World Flight in 2002/3.
Doug also have a big “Flying With Diabetes Weekend” event planned immediately before Oshkosh on 17/18/19 July at Council Bluffs, IA (KCBF).

Last update: May 21, 2021
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