Database Flight Number: | 618 |
Year of the Flight: | 2017 |
Pilot in Command name: | Wilson |
First name: | Peter |
Gender: | Male |
Pilot's Nationality: | UK |
Crew or Solo: | Crew |
Crew 1 Last Name: | Gallagher |
Crew 1 First Name: | Matthew |
Nationality: | UK |
Crew 2 Last Name: | |
Crew 2 First Name: | |
Nationality: | |
Class: | helicopter |
Brand: | Robinson |
Model: | R66 |
Type: | R66 |
Click on thumbnail for a full picture
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Aircraft Name: | |
Number: | G-DIGA |
Route: | East |
Atlantic Crossing: | |
Pacific Crossing: | |
Duration: | 121 days, 327 hours |
Length: | 32,000 nm/ 36,825 m/ 59,250 km |
Web Link: | |
(Click for details:) | TWO ROTORS:ONE PLANET
(Click for details:) |
Remarks: | Epic, and life changing!
We saw the contrasts across the world including the welcoming people; wonderful cultures; wide levels of development, different uses of the land, and Nature’s power and beauty; the cold glacial northern latitudes and the hot sweaty equatorial latitudes; animals; history, politics, and much, much more.
Confirmation Form:
(Click for details:) | Confirmation Form |