Pilot(s) name(s) First name: Fakhr Surname: Alam Nationality: Pakistani
Crew/Solo: Crew
Other people who may have flown part of the journey:
First name: N/A Surname: N/A Nationality: USA Legs flown: 32 legs out of 36.
First name: N/A Surname: N/A Nationality: USA Legs flown: 32 legs out of 36.
Class of Aircraft: (single, twin, homebuilt, helicopter, ultra light, balloon…): Single Brand: (i.e.: Beechcraft): Pilatus Model: (i.e.: Bonanza): PC12 Type: (i.e. A35): PC12 Name of aircraft if any (ie. Spirit of the Wind, or whatever): Globie Registration: N9854Z Route (Eastbound, Westbound, via the Poles): Eastnound How did you cross the Atlantic Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North, Greenland How did you cross the Pacific Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North, Behring Strait
Date of departure: 10th October 2018 Point of departure: St. Pete’s (KPIE) Florida Date of return to point of departure: 3rd Nov 2018 Point of return: St. Pete’s (KPIE) Florida Duration: (days): 24 days Duration: (flying hours): 129.4 hours Distance flown: 26,065 NM
How many overnight stops did you make? : 20 How many any additional refuelling stops, if any? : 15 How many countries did you visit?: 15
Means of communication used: HF Radio, sat telephone, e-mail by HF radio, other? : Carried a portable UHF radio which did not work so used the SAT phone. Did you use any satellite tracking system? Which one ? None Flight clearances: did you obtain them all, or part of them, yourself? : NO I USED A COMPANY OUTSIDE OF USA. IN USA USED FOREFLIGHT. If not, which company did you use?: Moonjet
Which was the easiest country or region that you flew through? : CROATIA, UAE, PAKISTAN, TAIWAN, JAPAN. Which was the most difficult? : GREENLAND, ICELAND, SCOTLAND, RUSSIA Which was the best airport you landed at? : NAGOYA in JAPAN & TAIPEI in TAIWAN. Which was the worst? : SEDUNA, AUSTRALIA and YUZHNO-SAHALINK RUSSIA.
Have you applied for the FAI Circumnavigator Badge/Are you thinking of doing so? : I DEFINITELY WANT TO BUT THEY DON’T HAVE ANY REPRESENTATION IN PAKISTAN SO I DON’T KNOW HOW TO GET IT DONE. Have you set or broken any records during your RTW? : I started the circumnavigation with a total of 112.9 hours of flying experience. Did it in 24 days so I am not sure if that qualifies for a record. I am the 1st from my country to have successfully circumnavigated the planet on any mode of transport. Did you create a Website of your RTW? If so, what is the URL? www.missionparwaaz.com
General remarks about your flight:
: It’s a once in a life time adventure. For me it was more than just a personal achievement. It was about inspiring the youth of my country to embrace aviation as a very rewarding way of life.
Advice to other pilots:
: It’s a once in a life time adventure. For me it was more than just a personal achievement. It was about inspiring the youth of my country to embrace aviation as a very rewarding way of life.
Advice to other pilots: Please be well prepared. Use a machine you can trust and do a lot of reading. Find out as much as you can about the airports you are going to fly into. Look for approach videos on YouTube to familiarize yourself with the terrain.
Check your passport and visa validities especially if an outside company is doing all your flight clearances because most of these flight plans are around Zulu time and when flying around the world you can lose track of time. I got detained at the Russian airport for 32 hours because I arrived a few hours after mid night and the date had changed hence my visa arrival date had passed. It ended up becoming international news and required my country to make diplomatic efforts to get me permission to continue my journey. Had my government not interfered my circumnavigation would have ended in Russia incomplete. Also know that most of these far east Russian airports don’t have the most understanding officials probably because of language barriers or just the way culture is in that part of the world. Having said that Russia is beautiful. Once you survive the beauracrcy the people of Russia are very warm and it is a very special place.
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Database Flight Number: 639
Last update: May 22, 2021
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