Pilot(s) name(s) First name: Yannick Surname: Bovier Nationality: Swiss
Other crew/passengers who completed the full circumnavigation:
First name: Francisco Surname: Agullo Nationality: Swiss
Flew in formation in 2d aircraft HB-WYA named Celine
Nation: Switzerland
Class of Aircraft: (single, twin, homebuilt, helicopter, ultra light, balloon…) Single Brand: (i.e.: Beechcraft): Flight design (Ecolight) Model: (i.e.: Bonanza): CTLS Type: (i.e. A35): CTLS Name of aircraft if any (ie. Spirit of the Wind, or whatever): Dreamcatcher Registration: HB_WYB Route (Eastbound, Westbound, via the Poles): Westbound How did you cross the Atlantic Ocean (North, Centre, South)? South How did you cross the Pacific Ocean (North, Centre, South)? Centre Date of departure: 30.04.2010 Point of departure: Sion LSGS Date of return to point of departure: 19.06.2010 Point of return: Sion LSGS Duration: (days): 51 Duration: (flying hours): 232 Distance flown: 45 925 km / 43 777 km great circle point to point
How many overnight stops did you make? : 26 How many any additional refuelling stops, if any? : None How many countries did you visit (count only where overnighted)? : 18 Means of communication used: HF Radio, sat telephone, e-mail by HF radio, other? : Sta phone Did you use any satellite tracking system? Which one ? Flight clearances: did you obtain them all, or part of them, yourself? : No If not, which company did you use?: Flightd Permits cc Which insurance company did you use? : AXA Winterthur Which was the easiest country or region that you flew through? : USA. Europe
Which was the most difficult? : Middle east, Asia Which was the best airport you landed at? : Sion, LSGS Which was the worst? : Cebu, RPVM Have you applied for the FAI Circumnavigator Badge/Are you thinking of doing so? : Yes Have you set or broken any records during your RTW? : Not that I know Did you create a Website about your flight? If so, what is the URL? http://www.azimut270.ch
General remarks about your flight:
45 925 km of formation flying!
Advice to other pilots:
Go for it!
Overflight permission of Vietnam, Israel and Syria was denied in VFR below FL100.
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Database Flight Number: 487
Last update: May 22, 2021
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