Pilot(s) name(s) First name: Miguel Surname: GORDILLO Nationality: Spain
Class of Aircraft: (single, twin, homebuilt, helicopter, ultra light, balloon.): Single NTAC Brand: (i.e.: Beechcraft): Vans Aircrafts Model: (i.e.: Bonanza): RV8 Type: (i.e. A35): RV8 Name of aircraft if any (ie. Spirit of the Wind, or whatever): Registration: EC XLL Route (Eastbound, Westbound, via the Poles): Via the Poles How did you cross the Atlantic Ocean (North, Centre, South)? How did you cross the Pacific Ocean (North, Centre, South)? Date of departure: Feb 19, 2016 Point of departure: Madrid (Spain) Date of return to point of departure: Dec 15, 2016 Point of return: Madrid Duration: (days): 300 days (5 months stop in Madrid) Duration: (flying hours): 305 hours Distance flown: 76400 KM
How many overnight stops did you make? : 51 How many any additional refuelling stops, if any? : 3 How many countries did you visit?: 21 Itinerary:
Madrid, Jerez, Dakar (Senegal), Natal, Belem, Santarem, Manaus, Boavista ( Brasil), Medellin (Colombia), Guatemala, Mexico DF, Freeport (Bahamas) , Windsor, Rankin, Resolute (Canada), Svalvard, Aalesund (Norway), Wurzburg, Friedrichshafen (Germany), Lyon (France) Madrid, Malta, Mersa Matruth (Egypt), Karthoum (Sudan), Malindi (Kenya), Seychelles, Gan (Maldives) , Cocos Keeling, Port Hedland, Ayer Rocks, Midura and Hobart (Australia) , Mario Zucchelli and Marambio ( Antarctica) , Ushuaia, Comodoro Rivadavia, Buenos Aires and Iguazu (Argentina) , Amarais, Brasiia and Natal (Brasil), Praia ( Cabo Verde) , Lanzarote, Malaga and Madrid (Spain)
Means of communication used: HF Radio, sat telephone, e-mail by HF radio, other? : HF, Iridium and Spidertext Did you use any satellite tracking system? Which one ? Spider tracks. Also used Red Global, but didnīt work right. Flight clearances: did you obtain them all, or part of them, yourself? : Most of them by myself, 3 by GASE (Egypt) If not, which company did you use?: Which insurance company did you use? : Global Marine Services (Third party) Also a SAR service almost inexpensive, some $175 Which was the easiest country or region that you flew through? : Australia Which was the most difficult? : Brasil Which was the best airport you landed at? : Many Which was the worst? : Boa Vista Have you applied for the FAI Circumnavigator Badge/Are you thinking of doing so? : Not yet, will do Have you set or broken any records during your RTW? :Yes, first rtw. over the poles under 1500 kgrs Did you create a Website of your RTW? If so, what is the URL? www.skypolaris.org
General remarks about your flight:
Was not easy. US antarctica, British Antarctic Survey and Antarctic Logistics expeditions not only didnīt support the flight, but they attempted to stop it.
Best fuel to use: Jet A1 with turboprop or diesel engine( avgas is not always available, and mogas quality is not good sometimes). Fying East Africa easier than central or west Africa. Sat phone is a must, and a tracker also ( Spidertracks, for instance). HF is also a must (to avoid problems). Radar reflector and water pump for sea water, Solar panels for the raft. Dry suit. Polar dingy. Engine preheater if landing outside an equipped airfield. EPIRB
Advice to other pilots:
mandatory Air Seychelles handling ask $900 to handle the $60 fees to Civil Aviation. Sending fuel to Cocos Keeling islands cost around $500 per drum. If possible, avoid Boa Vista airport at Brasil, if you exit the country ( or pay what they ask for, and suffer the Receita Federal guy there !)
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Database Flight Number: 596
Last update: May 23, 2021
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