Pilot(s) name(s) First name:Judy Surname: Rice Nationality: USA Other people who may have flown part of the journey:
First name:Edwin Surname: Sahakian Nationality: USA First name:John Surname: Freidman Nationality: USA
Nation: USA Class of Aircraft: (single, twin, homebuilt, helicopter, ultra light, balloon.): Twin Brand: (i.e.: Beechcraft): Cessna Model: (i.e.: Bonanza): Citation Mustang Type: (i.e. A35): CE510 Name of aircraft if any (ie. Spirit of the Wind, or whatever): Registration: N178SF Route (Eastbound, Westbound, via the Poles): EAST How did you cross the Atlantic Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North How did you cross the Pacific Ocean (North, Centre, South)? North Date of departure: June 13, 2015 Point of departure: KBUR Date of return to point of departure: August 15, 2015 Point of return: KBUR Duration: (days): 28 days Duration: (flying hours): 70 hours Distance flown: 21 536 NM How many overnight stops did you make? : 21 How many any additional refuelling stops, if any? : 21 Itinerary: June 13 June 23: KBUR KBIL CYQR CYYQ CYFB BGSF BIRK EGPH EGLK LFPB LECU LIPZ LOWW Aug 1 Aug 15: LOWW LRCK UDYZ LCLK LLBG OJAQ OERK OMRK OPKC VANP VGHS VVNB VHHH ZSPD RJOA RJSF UHSS UHMM UHMA PANC PAKT KBFI - KBUR
Means of communication used: HF Radio, sat telephone, e-mail by HF radio, other? : G1000 comms, back up sat phone handheld, Did you use any satellite tracking system? Which one ? G1000 Flight clearances: did you obtain them all, or part of them, yourself? :
All flight related clearances Universal Weather Flight Planning; All VISAs Atlas Passport glendale, CA
If not, which company did you use?: Above Which insurance company did you use? : US AIG Which was the easiest country or region that you flew through? : Canada Which was the most difficult? : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (permits, visas);; All of Russia (security). Which was the best airport you landed at? : Reykjavik, Iceland (friendly); Madrid, Spain (have relationship) ; Fukushima, Japan (have relationship) Which was the worst? : Rasal-Khaim, UAE Dubia (extra fees, uncaring, unfriendly); Chittagong, Bangladesh (3 hour ground hold, fuel stop) Have you applied for the FAI Circumnavigator Badge/Are you thinking of doing so? : Yes, appeoved. Have you set or broken any records during your RTW? : Yes, NAA Speed Over Recognized Course BGSF - BIRK Did you create a Website of your RTW? If so, what is the URL? www.thinkglobalflight.org
General remarks about your flight:
Incredible experience; 2018 around again, only taking more time. Mission for 2015 was to visit as many of the 20,000 students possible that have been participating on my flight planning since 2010. Earthrounders and especially Carol Ann Garratt are instrumental in my success. I
am forever grateful and wish to return the knowledge to others with the dream for flying around the world. Thank you.
Advice to other pilots:
Planning is crucial listen to experienced Earthrounders. Enjoy the planning as much as the flight. It will take twice as long for planning as you initially think, it is worth every moment for a great experience. Take as much time as possible on the flight, dont rush.
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Database Flight Number: 572
Last update: May 24, 2021
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