Dear friends,
We sincerely hope you are well, in good health and not being affected by the pandemic.
We had to postpone (twice) our gathering in Switzerland. A decision somehow unpopular at the moment, but which, with hindsight, was probably the right one to make.
We hope that by September and with the progress worldwide of the vaccination, things will be closer to 'normality' And we sincerely hope that nothing will stop us to get together in Switzerland. Of course, this is still a long way in the future and one must be prepared for the unexpected.
In this festive season, we would like to wish all Earthrounders, all future Earthrounders and all our friends a very Merry Christmas and the very best for the New Year, peace and good health.
We are looking forward to see you all at the Meeting from 27 September to 2 October 2022 in
Chateau-d'Oex and we can be sure there will be lots more stories to tell due to the delay…
Take care, stay safe,
Very sincerely