Earlier Notices (2017)
Earlier Notices (2016)
Earlier Notices (2015)
Earlier Notices (2014)
Earlier Notices (2013)
Earlier Notices (2012)
Earlier Notices (2011)
Earlier Notices (2010)
Earlier Notices (2009)
Earlier Notices (2008)
Earlier Notices (2007)
Earlier Notices (2005)
Earlier Notices (2004)
Earlier Notices (2003)
Earlier Notices (2002)
Earlier Notices (2001)
A celebration of Mike's life will be held on Saturday January 19, 2019 at 11am at the Morningstar Flying Club, Cape Town, South Africa.
MICHAEL LOMBERG "Celebration of Life" in South Africa
December 31, 2018:
More sad news:
We are so sad to inform you of the death of our friend Mike Lomberg due to the accident that happened shortly before he landed at Bang Phra Airport in Thailand.
Sincere condolences to his family and to the Handiflight team
December 31, 2018:
Congratulations to Ed Galkin for the completion of his third RTW. He landed in New Jersey on November 30, 2018. His previous RTWs were in 1988 and 2004.
Also congratulations to his copilot Marty Balk for his first RTW.
Ed was flying the very same Cesna 210, N2160S, he used for his previous RTWs.
December 29, 2018:
Information for the Memorial Service for Wei Chen:
Visitation will be held on Friday, January 4, 2019 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Memorial Park Funeral Home & Cemetery at 5668 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38119.
Memorial services will start at 10 am, on Saturday, January 5th, 2019 at the University of Memphis Rose Theater, 470 University, Memphis, TN 38111.
Burial services for family only will immediately follow the memorial.
The Chen family will greet friends and colleagues during the Friday visitation services.
December 28, 2018:
From Jack Long (RTW 2015, 2017):
We are about 1/3 through our third RTW, Westbound this time. We (Josh Marvil and I) hope to be the first people to get FAI's West, East, and Polar diplomas.
It took more than a year, but we did finally get the FAI polar diploma (only ones to get it so far).
FAI Polar Diploma
The Long's Blog is here:
(The flying oriented posts are " By Jack." The travel oriented posts are " By Carolyn." )
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December 27, 2018:
Thanking Young Bob Bates for information on Stefan Mommertz' s flight in his C185 Sky Wagon, N6275E,: 'The John T Kounis Memorial World Flight':
After having completed the world circumnavigation in Borneo, it's time to bring 75E back to Germany.
Stephan Mommertz being interviewed by Klipp TV in the Philippines
December 21, 2018:
The Earthrounders community is in mourning.
It is with great sadness that we now have confirmation that Wei Chen was killed in the accident of his Citation N188CW shortly after take off from Atlanta, GA.
Wei flew around the World in 2011 in his TBM 700, N168CW. He was our host in Zhengzhou in April 2018.
He was a well known and respected member of the Memphis community and a very successful businessman.
He will be missed by all.
Our sincere condolences to his family and friends

We wish a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year
to all Earthrounders, their families and friends and all Earthrounders-to-be.
Happy landings, blue skies, low landing fees, tail winds, Peace on Earth, and all this kind of good things....
Hope we can all meet again, this time probably in Switzerland....
December 11, 2018:
From Robert De Laurentis (RTW 2015):
I have an Iridium Sat Phone I would like to sell with all the accessories. I am asking $400.
My phone number is 619-368-9410.
Please reply to:
Robert De Laurentis
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Details on Robert De Laurentis' book:
'Zen Pilot' can be seen
December 7, 2018:
Many thanks to Jorge Cornish for a new video of the 2011 Earthrounders Meeting in Vienna, Austria.
December 7, 2018:
Congratulations to Roland Szász, and Zoltan Fülöp for the completion of their RTW in their Malibu Mirage T7-HEY.
They landed at Targu Mures Airport (LRTM) on December 5, 2018.
Photo of their Malibu Mirage
December 6, 2018:
Congratulations to Dr. Edwin Galkin & Martin Balk for the completion of Dr. Galkin third RTW (1988 and 2004) in the same Cessna Centurion N2160S. They landed on November 30, 2018.
Many thanks to Andrew R, for the information.
November 26, 2018:
Many thanks to Harry Anderson (RTW 2011) for sending this You Tube video of his solo flight over the North Pole in his Lancair Columbia N788W.
It can be viewed here:
Larger picture of Harry's Lancair
November 21, 2018:
Congratulations to Luke Lysen for the completion of his RTW in his Cirrus DF50 Vision Jet, N9943H. He landed back at Renton, Washington on Friday, November 16.
Larger picture
November 20, 2018:
Handiflight Around the World set off on their long mission.
Two CTLS aircraft equipped with hand controls (HB-WYA and HB-WYB), that will be flown by paraplegic pilots Mike Lomberg (South Africa), Guillaume Féral (France) and Paolo Pocobelli (Italy), with a following Comanche (HB-OVW), departed Geneva for Verona. Their aim is to change people's perception of disability and combat prejudices. They are courageous and well-humoured guys.
Follow them on their site
or on Facebook
or track their flight on:
Larger picture of their arrival in Verona (Italy),
If they are coming to your area, please give them a warm welcome!
November 9, 2018:
Congratulations to Logan Tinley, 19, of Fort Worth, Texas, for the competion of his RTW in his Mooney Ovation N9159Q.
The aim of the flight was to raise awareness for pediatric cancer research.
November 7, 2018:
Luke Lysen is flying a Cirrus DF50 Vision Jet.He departed KRNT, flying East on October 12th, 2018 and Landed in Zhuhai, China (ZGSD) and will shortly be flying to Taiwan, Japan, Russia, Alaska and back to Renton Washington.
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November 1, 2018:
Peter Wilson (RTW 2017) is getting ready for more adventures in his Robinson R66 helicopter.
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November 1, 2018:
Congratulations to Fakhr Alam for the completon of his RTW in a Pilatus PC 12, N9854Z. He landed back in Florida on November 1, 2018.
Larger photo.
October 31, 2018:
Dr. Edwin Galkin (RTW 1988 and RTW 2004) and Martin Balk have launched Edwin Galkin third RTW, on October 26, 2018 from Edison NJ in the same Cessna Centurion N2160S.
Many thanks to Andrew R, for the information.
They are now in the Mediteranean.
Larger photo.
October 26, 2018:
Wolfgang Reichenberger ( N430PS) landed in Auckland (NZ) after a long and painful approach...
Fahr Alam ( N98547Z) departed Darwin for Ambon.
Roland Szász, and Zoltan Fülöp (T7-HEY) on their way to Darwin.
Thanks to Mile Condon (NZ) for the info and photo.:
Thanks to Sid Mitchell (Darwin) for the photos:
October 20, 2018:
Announcing a new fascinating book by Don Ledger on the life, success and adventurees of Earthrounder David Mcculloch (RTW 1986).
October 20, 2018:
Three RTW are on their ways and doing well:
Roland Szász, and
Zoltan Fülöp in their Malibu Mirage T7-HEY are in Chiang Mai (Thailand),
Wolfgang Reichenberger in his DA42 N430PS is in Adelaide (South Australia).
Fahr Alam in his PC12 N98947Z is in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Wishing them all fair weather and success.
October 13, 2018
Congratulations to Mason William Andrews for the completion of his solo RTW on board N7278C / PA32R.
He landed at Monroe Regional Airport, Louisiana, United States on October 6, 2018.
He is now the youngest RTW pilot at 18 years, 5 months and 10 days of age.
records page for details.
October 11, 2018
Fakhr-e-Alam has departed Clearwater, Florida (KPIE) on October 10 on his RTW in a Pilatus PC12,
N98947Z and is now in Goose Bay, Greenland (CYYR).
October 3, 2018
Roland Szász, and Zoltan Fülöp will start an Eastbound RTW on October 9, 2018 in their PA46-350P,
'Transylvania Maverick', from Targu Mures / Transylvania airport / Romania.
Wishing them fair winds and blue skies!
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September 26, 2018
Wolfgang Reichenberger is in Japan and will start his 'Phase 3' toward the Philippines-Sulawesi-East Timor-Australia to NZ/Ardmore-Auckland.
September 24, 2018
F Alam is annnouncing his departure on October 8th, from Clearwater, Florida for a RTW in a Pilatus PC12.
Wishing him fair winds and blue skies!
September 21, 2018
Lola Odujinrin (RTW 2017) announces his new Website:
Larger picture
September 18, 2018
Congratulations to Andrey Borisevich and Alexander Tsenter for the completion of their RTW from Belarus in their Cessna 182T, EW-490LL.
They landed on September 15, 2018.
September 18, 2018
From Wei Chen, our host in China:
Just had a Mini-Earthrounder Reunion in South Africa. Visited the The Airplane Factory in Johannesburg.
James Pitman is the best host. They flew this airplane around the world three times.
Love our community.
Larger picture.
September 11, 2018
Congratulations to Georg and Tim Kraus for the completion of their RTW in D-EMDT.
That was the C210 used in 2009 by Ludwig Freiling and Jurgens Hoch.
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September 6, 2018
From Alexander Tsenter and Andrey Borisevich:
We crossed Russia, Alaska and the US and are now on the East shore (close to Boston)
We did 20,000 km in 105 flight hours, 21 day (5 days off, not flying).
September 5, 2018
Congratulations to John Koehler for the completion of his Eastbound RTW, in his Van's RV-9A, N944JK.
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Details of the Flight.
September 4, 2018
Congratulations to Shaesta Waiz as her speed record has been approved by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) in Switzerland as a World record (record ID 18257).
Honolulu, HI to Oakland, CA, 272.22 km/h, (166.05 mph)
Class C, Aeroplanes
Subclass: C-1d, Group: I (Internal Combustion)
Beechcraft Bonanza A36, N364ER
August 31, 2018
Congratulations to the Russian crew members for the completion of their polar RTW in their La-8 and Borey amphibian russian aircraft.
They were:
Valery Tokarev, cosmonaut, former test pilot (Borey, La-8)
Sergey Alafinov, private pilot, Aerovolga CEO (La-8)
Vladimir Evstafyev, B747C captain, former Beriev test pilot (La-8)
Oleg Atkov, cosmonaut, private pilot (La-8)
Dmitry Suslakov, private pilot, Aerovolga chief designer (La-8, Borey)
Andrey Ivanov, private pilot, AOPA Russia director (Borey, La-8)
Loïc Blaise (France), private pilot, former commercial seaplane pilot (Borey, La-8)
Thank you to Ignat Solovey of Flight TV.ru for the details and for this video:
August 26, 2018
Congratulations to Olivier Ruedin for the completion of his Westbound RTW, in his P46J, HB-PSK.
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August 19, 2018
Alexander Tsenter and Andrey Borisevich have started their RTW from Belarus in their Cessna 182T, EW-490LL in an easterly direction.
Instagram: letimby and #letimby
Wishing them fair winds and blue skies...
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August 13, 2018
Great news from
White Rose Aviation:
Kiribati Oil Co (KOil) have agreed to supply avgas 100LL at PLCH (Kiribati, aka Christmas Island) but it must be preordered well in advance.
Not too sure of lead in time. I would suggest that pilots prepay as well to hopefully be
extra safe.
Note: there is still no Avgas in Pago Pago and on Easter Island.
August 12, 2018
Wolfgang Reichenberger and his wife Monica are on their way in their DA42NG, N430PS. After crossing he Atlantic, they are in Vienna, Austria.
They can be followed on these two videos:
August 11, 2018
Congratulations to Ruben Dias and Mischa Gelb for the completion of their RTW in a Robinson R66 Turbine.
Their flight was an 'Equatorial with crossing 2 Antipodes' (Neiva, Colombia and Palembang, Indonesia).
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August 3, 2018
From Sergey Terekhin, our host in Russia in 2014:
Three Russian seaplanes are flying around the Globe, mostly along the Northern Polar Circle.
Sergey Alafimov, Valery Tokarev (cosmonaut ) and Andrey Ivanov. (They attended Saint Petersburg meeting in 2014) are among the 7 crew members.
They started on July 4th and are at the moment in Greenland..
It's possible to follow them online:
LA-8T, RA-0778G
LA-8, RA-0344G
Borey, RA-2877G
Thank you Sergey.
July 31, 2018
From Adam Broome:
A few Earthrounders got together last Tuesday (July 24) at Airventure in Oshkosh. We met beside Adrian Eichhorn’s 1962 P35 Bonanza, which was on display in the Vintage area.
Thank you Adam.
Full size picture with names.
July 28, 2018
Our host in Zhenhzhou, ei Chen meeting with Brian Lloyd in Osh.
Any other RTW pilots meeting there? Please send your photos.
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July 25, 2018
From Brian Lloyd (RTW 2017):
Where are the Earthrounders at OSH this year?
I would like to meet others who have flown around the world.
I'm doing a forum on my flight on Friday at 1130 in Forum 7.
Larger picture of Brian's Mooney
July 16, 2018
Olivier Ruedin of Swizterland is in Alaska on a Westbound RTW in a P46J Jet prop after leaving Zurich on June 6th.
Wishing him fair winds and blue skies.
July 15, 2018
After Wei Chen's beautiful video of the Zhengzhou Meeting, I have been asked to group the videos of previous Meetings.
Here they are:
Perth 2003
Mexico, 2005
Russia, 2014
China 2108
July 14, 2018
Our Host in Zhengzhou, Wei Chen announces a beautiful video of the 10th Earthrounders Meeting.
Thank you Wei!
Larger picture
Click here for the video.
July 12, 2018
Congratulations to Dejeou Chou and William Archer for the completion of their RTW in an Eclipse 500, N287WM.
Claiming to be the first Eclipse around the Word, the shortest and the shortest number of days around the Wiord.
Also the smallest number of stops.
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July 6, 2018
From Jorge Cornish:
Hola Claude,
Anoche hice este video de la reunion en México 2005, espero te guste.
A magnificent and beautiful video of the Mexico 2015 Meeting.
A lot of us look much younger.
We also salute some of our old friends in the video that are no longer with us.
Do not miss it, it is well worth viewing.
Thank you Jorge and Málu.
Click here:
July 3, 2018
From Wolfgang Reichenberger:
I am planning to join your ranks, starting here from my base MYNN Nassau Bahamas via Newfoundland-Azores-Europe-Russia-Japan-Philippines-Australia-NZ-Tahiti-Easter-Chile-Brazil-Bahamas, starting here 10-July.
N430PS, DA42NG. Crew: myself, pax: my wife Monica.
Good luck and fair winds. He has chosen an aircraft using he "right fuel"!!
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June 29, 2018

The Earthrounders Flag being handed by Flemming Pedersen to Daniel Ramseier in Chateau D'Oex, Switzerland
in preparation for the 2018 Earthrounders Meeting in Switzerland.
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June 24, 2018
From Jeb Andrews:
My son, Mason Andrews, DOB 26 April 2000, launches 14 July to try to become the youngest solo pilot to circumnavigate. He has been advised by Adam Broome, Robert DeLaurentis, Jack Weigand, and Matt Guthmiller and is looking forward to a successful flight. He looks forward to joining you guys in Switzerland in 2020 if all goes.
Read the article from the Louisiana Tech University
Wishing him fair winds and blue skies.... and not too many delays during the flight...
June 20, 2018
Congratulations to German Hucke for the completion of his RTW in his PA-46, CC-AQZ..He landed back in Temuco, Chile on June 15th.
More pictures
June 3, 2018
John Koehler has started his Eastbound RTW in his RV-9 A. He flew his first leg from California to Oshkosh in 11.5 hours.
We all wish him fair winds and blue skies.
Thanking Manuel Queiroz for the information.
May 31, 2018
From Andrey Borisevich and Alexander Tsenter:
We plan to be the very first Belarusian crew to complete a flight around the world in a Cessna 182.
Airplane: Cessna 182T, 2004, reg number EW490LL
Departure: August 15th, 2018 (+/- 3 days) Westbound by the classic northern route.
We decided to change direction and we gonna fly eastbound to cross Russia in August before the bad weather.
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May 29, 2018

We finally have a photo of that "Secret Meeting"....
Left to right: Paula, Michel, Malù, Jorge
Thank you Jorge...
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That does follow a
surprise encounter
May 13, 2018
Albert ("Jay") Shower passed away on February 10, 2018. He had a remarkable career in the US Navy for more than 22 years. He flew around the World in 1993 with Murray Goodrich in a Bonanza. He attended 4 Earthrounders meetings (Perth 2003, Mexico 2005, Cape Town 2008 and Florida 2012).
Our sincere condolences to his family.
From General Aviation News
May 2, 2018

Back from the 10th Earthrounders Meeting in Zhengzhou, China.
A great and very successful Meeting.
Many thanks to our Host
Wei Chen who did a great job.
Our next Meeting will take place in Switzerland in September 2020.
Hope to see you all there!
April 24, 2018
A surprise encounter: Jorge and Malu Cornish on their way to a "secret Earthrounders Meeting"...
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April 16, 2018
A long awaited photo...
New world record ...
Eight Earthrounders on the same chairlift...on the same perch...
Thank you Flemming...
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April 13, 2018
Gone to Zhengzhou, China to the 10th Earthrounders meeting. See you all there!!
April 9, 2018
James Pitman and Mike Blyth present a video of their first RTW (2009) in their Sling ZU-TAF:
Other interresting videos on their Internet Site:
April 3, 2018
Congratulations to Georges Adam for the successful completion of his second RTW in his PC-12/45 C-GSAG. He landed at Montreal St Hubert (CYHU) on March 29.2018.
Larger picture, (from his first RTW)
March 30, 2018
Message from Roland Szász :
Hello everybody,
My colleague and myself, we are planing an eastbound RTW in our PA46-350P, starting hopefully within the next two month. We hoped that everything is clear, than we got the information that there is no AVGAS on Christmas Island available any more. We tried to contact PLCH and KOIL… no answer.
Does somebody of you have a good contact or can help us with an information how to get 2 x 200 liter drums of AVGAS to PLCH.
Any information is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
Roland Szász
March 25, 2018
Please read our last News Letter N°8, for the latest on the last details for the Meeting.
News Letter N°8
March 13, 2018
From Waldemar Miszkurka (RTW 1997):
Looking for a person who would fly with me on a two-engine turboprop EM-11 ORKA to East from Poland and will participate in travel costs. Details about the plane on the websites.
For more detailes please e-mail me at:
or 48 604605400
This will be my second RTW flight.
March 1, 2018
It looks the crossing of the Pacific (South and Central) is getting more and more difficult as Avgas is getting harder and harder to get. There is no Avgas on Easter Island (SCIP) and now Avgas is no longer available at Chrismas Island (PLCH).
Thank you to Mike Grey of
White Rose Aviation for the latest update.
January 31, 2018
Please read our News Letter N°7, for the latest on the Zhengzhou Itineray and details on the Meeting.
News Letter N°7
Please note: registrations for the Meeting will close on
March 24th, 2018.
January 28, 2018
Congratulations to Georges Adam for the successful completion of his RTW in his PC-12/45 C-GSAG.
Larger picture
January 11, 2018:
An old video clip came out of hidding (being re-dicovered on You Tube) of the Presentation Diner at the Perth 2003 Meeting.
Perth 2003, Presentation Diner
If you have any interresting You Tube videos of RTW, please let us know and we shall list them on our page of You Tube Videos.
List of known RTW videos
January 7, 2018:
Congratulations to Peter Wilson and Matthew Gallagher for the successful completion of their RTW in a Robinson 66 Turbine Helicopter.
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