Welcome to Earthrounders.com This site is a register of pilots who have flown around the world in light aircraft (*).
It records the pilots and their aircraft in chronological order, and aims to inspire others who have similar flying dreams. (*) Maximum weight 7000 kg.
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Noticeboard: , August 11, 2024
Sincere congratulations to Mishaal Alusdairy for his solo flight in a DA42.Thank you to Andrew Riedel for passing the news and for the link to an excellent video: https://youtu.be/wPpdjbgb_jg?si=7si9ngd8K7gP3Uj1 July 31, 2024
From CarolAnn Garratt:(RTW 2003, 2008, 211)Mooney for sale: It has been a long and hard decision, but I've finally made it. Full details. July 16, 2024
Pieter Nel announces his departure around 22 July from KBLM, Monmouth Executive Airport in New Jersey, USA for a solo RTW in his Mooney N5810T.https://www.pieternel.net/ July 1, 2024
The next Earthrounders Meeting will take place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in Central Asia in 2025.Please read the first Invitation Letter . June 21, 2024
Sincere congratulations to Georges Adam and Hubert Sagnieres for their fifth RTW in a Pilatus PC-12-45, Spirit of Saint Exupery.The flight was to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the first RTW of 1924 and also to celebrate the pulication of the new book by Hubert Sagnieres titled: Daring French explorations. Larger picture June 11, 2024
From Peter Wilson (RTW 2017):Andre de Freitas and I are about to circumnavigate the Globe through antipodes. Our frantic preparations culminate in take-off in his R66 from Jaguaruna, Santa Catarina, Brazil on the 18th of June. Larger picture. Project details: https://www.threejourneysround.com/flying-rtw-2024 Our satellite beacon of progress here: https://share.delorme.com/PetersAdventure And follow our story: http://www.facebook.com/threejourneysround June 4, 2024
Casey Salbert will be departing Kitty Hawk on September 2024.Wishing him fair weather and blue skies... May 30, 2024
Young Barry Payne and young Bob Bates are planning to depart from Mount Hagen in PNG on Saturday, June 1st, for their RTW Young celbrating the 1924 first flight around the World .They can be followed on a daily basis on their Site: www.pngtours.com/tours/bobnbaz.htm and on Flight Aware. May 30, 2024
From John Bones, a fascinating video of their record flight in a Learjet 36A:https://youtu.be/9ZGiTKexgQw?si=rTXjVtZWb3DtKJoLM Thank you John. Sh May 5, 2024
Sinji Maeda (RTW 2021) and Adriam Eichhorn (RTW 2016) are planning a "Back to Japan" ; flight in 2025 to celebrate the relationship between Japan and the USA.https://www.aerozypangu.com/japan-usa-friendship-flight April 25, 2024
First World Flight Centennial celebration:
There is planned to be a 'First World Flight Centennial' celebration held in Seattle September 26-29, 2024. Several Earthrounders will be participating in the Centennial and no doubt others may take the opportunity to be there too. It might make it a good place for an informal Earthrounders mini-reunion. There is yet to be a single point of contact but if you are going to attend the Centennial it might be best to use the Whatsapp group to indicate your intentions. It might be possible then to arrange an email list so a get-together can be organized during the Centennial, stay tuned for more info. \ April 19, 2024
From Max M:Hey Cirrus RTW Pilots, I'm gearing up for a RTW flight in the next few years, and I'm on the hunt for a Cirrus that's already equipped with ferry tanks. Having a pre-installed and tested ferry tank system would be a huge advantage for this journey. Anyone out there looking to sell a Cirrus with ferry tanks? Or maybe you know someone who's recently completed an RTW trip in a Cirrus and might be ready to part ways with their trusty aircraft? Let me know if you have any leads or are the seller yourselves! melcher.maxwell (at) gmail.com April 16, 2024
Sincere congratulations to Bart Gray and his crew, including John Bone, for the successful completion of their RTW in a LearJet 36A, establishing a speed record of 550 km/h in the class C1-f.
Larger picture April 12, 2024
Mak Aviation Services announce changes in their Site and email addresses.Details are here.
March 31, 2024
After Tim Tarris (JN90MB) had to give up his RTW to commemorate the Anniversary of the first RTW in 1924, two other pilots Bob Bates and Barry Payne, (a total of 161 springs), will depart Mont Haggen in PNG on June 1st in Barry's Comanche ZK-BAZ.https://centennialflight.weebly.com/ From Bob Bates: This year marks the centenary of the first flight round the.world. https://www.firstworldflightcentennial.org/ Four Douglas Air Cruisers operated by the US Army Air Service, departed Seattle on April 6, 1924. They flew a westwards route that took them north to Alaska, along the Aleutian Islands to Russian Kamchatka and onto Japan. https://www.seattleworldcruiser.org/1924-world-flight-chronicle Three of the aircraft reached Kagoshima on 2nd June and from there they flew across China and India arriving in Brough, Yorkshire (near Hull in the UK), on 17th July. During the following two weeks, essential maintenance was performed and pontoons refitted in preparation for a continuation of the flight over the North Atlantic via Iceland and Greenland and onto the USA. One of the four planes crashed in Alaska, but the crew was rescued. A second aircraft ditched in the North Atlantic and the crew was picked up by the U.S. Navy. The two remaining flight crews returned to a huge welcoming crowd in Seattle on September 28, 1924 after completing the epic 175 day, 26,345 mile journey and becoming the First to Fly Around the World. So what is the significance of this..? Well, 2019 round the world flyer Barry Payne http://www.bazflyer.com will leave New Zealand later in May flying his trusty Piper Comanche ZK-BAZ, to Mount Hagen in the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Here he will be joined by good friend Bob Bates http://www.pngtours.com/tours/Bobsflights.htm Together they will fly a westwards World Flight closely reenacting the original 1924 flight route. Step one will have Barry and Bob flying north of the Equator to arrive in Kagoshima, Japan, at the same time the original flyers were there 100 years previous. They will then traverse Russia meeting many aviators across the land and carry onto the UK landing at Breighton Airfield which is close to Brough. They will leave the UK late August, retracing the original flyer's air path over the North Atlantic, across the USA all the way back to Seattle. After Seattle, Barry and Bob pickup the original 1924 route through Alaska, down the Aleutian Islands to Kamchatka and complete a full circle at Kagoshima. They are scheduled to arrive back in Mount Hagen on 28th September, the same day the two Douglas Air Cruise meeting many aviators across the land and carry onto the UK landing at Breighton Airfield which is close to Brough. They will leave the UK late August, retracing the original flyer's landed back at Seattle in 1924 and completing the First Flight Round the World. Barry and Bob proudly represent the South Canterbury Aero Club, Timaru Airport, New Zealand. Also for the record book, the two flyers have a combined age of 161 years, and 105 years pilot experience. Wishing them fair weather and blue skies all along. They can be followed: on :Garmin Tracker and on: Fight Aware Larger picture of ZK-BAZ. Last update: September 3, 2024